Endometriosis 101: Do you have endometriosis symptoms?

We’ve launched our Parla Quiz Series: an easy to get in tune with your period health. Our first three quizzes cover common problems like endometriosis symptoms, PCOS and fibroids. Endometriosis is a common condition women struggle with, but something you may not have considered as a source of period (or, pelvic) problems. We encourage you to […]

PCOS symptoms – Do I have PCOS?

PCOS symptoms quiz on Adia: this is a screenshot of our quiz

We’ve launched the Parla Quiz Series! Our PCOS quiz helps you get familiar with PCOS symptoms to help understand your risk of PCOS, endometriosis and fibroids.  These are common conditions, but sometimes misunderstood and under-researched. We give you an easy way to get familiar with PCOS symptoms through a short quiz. This isn’t to alarm […]

Hormonal contraception and fertility

What’s the relationship between hormonal contraception and fertility? We get asked this a lot. The pill, the patch, the ring, the IUS, the injection – there’s a lot of contraception methods out there. Well… for women. It’s downright confusing trying to figure out if hormonal conception has an impact on your fertility.  Spoiler alert: several […]

New Year, Stronger Me: 5 Ways to Improve Mental Health for Men

Getting back into our routines after the holidays can bring stress and anxiety, negatively impacting our mental health. The topic of mental health for men is still stigmatized within our society. As a result, men are less likely to seek help or treatment compared to women. Use the beginning of the New Year as your […]