Infertility and mental health

Trying to have a baby is a time of major uncertainty, and infertility and mental health are intricately linked. You may have never have thought or considered that there might be problems, or that it might be an experience that you would not be able to control. For many people this can be hardest part […]

What makes a good relationship?

what makes a good relationship

Trying to have a baby is a major transition in any couple’s relationship, and it can undoubtedly place pressure on your relationship. Lots of couples report that sex can become routine and monotonous while they’re trying to conceive, rather than passionate, spontaneous and fun. With the ‘scheduling’ of sex around the most ‘fertile time’, along with […]

Mindfulness meditation: what’s it got to do with fertility?

mindfulness meditation

‘Mindfulness’ is something we hear a lot about these days, and has become really popular over the last few years. With roots in Buddhism, mindfulness meditation is actually a really ancient tradition – but you don’t have to have any particular beliefs to try it. Mindfulness meditation – what is it? Put simply, mindfulness is […]