Here’s how to tell if you’ve got endo belly

Here's how to tell if you have endo belly

Endo belly is a term used to describe uncomfortable abdominal bloating that’s associated with endometriosis. Now, we’re not talking about the short-term bloating that you might experience after a big meal! Endo belly can be a distressing and, at times, debilitating symptom of endometriosis that can impact all areas of your wellbeing — both mental […]

How to explain your endometriosis pain to anyone

How to explain your endo pain to anyone

Endometriosis is a condition that is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. This is partly because its most common symptom — pain, ranging from moderate to excruciating — can be difficult to quantify or even describe. And in many cases, folks seeking help for their endo pain are simply dismissed or not believed.   In a recent study, […]

PCOS and pregnancy

1 in 10 women will be diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) at some point in their life. PCOS is very common, but is so often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Here we discuss symptoms and potential treatments of the condition. We’ll also explain what PCOS means for your fertility, and your long-term mental and physical health. […]

What’s the best diet for menopause?

As we approach menopause, our bodies and minds go through a lot of changes. You might notice that it’s harder to lose weight, that you are experiencing hot flushes or vaginal dryness, that it’s harder to sleep or that your mood and energy levels feel like they are on the floor.  These issues are largely […]

What’s the best endometriosis diet? The science so far

When it comes to endometriosis and nutrition, there are lots of theories about which diet is best. But what is the evidence that supports these claims, and which foods can actually help you to manage your symptoms? The sad fact is that there’s still a huge lack of research around managing endometriosis — especially in […]

The link between STIs and fertility

stis and fertility

Safe sex and reducing the risk of STIs is a cornerstone of sexual health – especially as contracting STIs can have both short and long-term effects on your health But did you know that if left untreated, many STIs could have a devastating impact on your fertility?  We’ve teamed up with Yoxly to teach you […]

The sustainable period brands you need to know

sustainable periods

If plastic-free periods weren’t already having a moment – they certainly are now.  When it comes to sustainability, mainstream tampons and period pads fall short. The majority of the materials used to create sanitary products aren’t biodegradable and along with their packaging. According to the Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), they create around 200,000 tonnes of […]

Vegan Friendly Fertility Diet

Are you vegan and trying to understand your fertility diet options? If you are TTC or trying to boost your fertility as part of your preconception plan, making healthy lifestyle choices is more important than ever. Being vegan is one of the best things we can do for the environment and the welfare of animals […]

Turn your new year’s resolutions into long-term healthy habits

Less than a week into 2023 and we’re willing to bet that you’ve already broken at least one of your New Year’s resolutions – we certainly have! But those leftover Miniature Heroes weren’t going to eat themselves…  Starting the new year with healthy reproductive health habits Starting the New Year with a list of good […]

Menopause and your immune system

menopause and your immune system

Menopause and your immune system – what’s the link? Here we’ll break down the reasons why you might be more susceptible to illness during this phase of life and give some advice on how to boost your immune system healthily and naturally!  The impact of menopause on your immune system There are a few different […]

Alcohol and period health

alcohol and periods

We know that drinking too much is always going to affect your overall health, but could alcohol be making your period health symptoms worse? Here we explain the various ways that alcohol can impact your hormones and bodily functions and its connection to your menstrual health.  Alcohol and Period Pain  Some people find that drinking […]

Alcohol and Menopause

alcohol and menopause

Can alcohol make menopause symptoms worse? Many of us enjoy the occasional drink but if you are going through perimenopause, you may be looking to do everything you can to manage your symptoms and lead a healthy life – so could cutting out drinking hold the key to a happier menopause?  Here we’ll look at […]

Is wild swimming good for the menopause?

wild swimming and menopause

You might have seen TV footage of people merrily plunging into icy cold ponds, lakes and even the sea – an activity known as wild swimming. Have they taken leave of their senses?  Well, no. As well as being incredibly invigorating, cold water therapy –  which involves immersing yourself into water below 15 degrees celsius […]

Can stress impact your menstrual cycle?

stress impact your menstrual cycle

Can stress impact your menstrual cycle? We all know that stress is bad for your body and mind, but can it also impact your period?  The answer is yes! Stress triggers a bunch of physical and hormonal changes in the body that can have a knock-on effect on the regularity of your period and the […]

Healthy holiday recipes to support your hormone health

Wondering how to eat healthy for your hormones over the holidays? At all life stages, balancing our hormones is key to good health – and nutrition plays a huge role in supporting that! But with Christmas around the corner, maybe you’re worried that healthy eating has to go out the window with the holidays? Well, […]

TTC self care tips for the holidays 🎄

TTC self care tips for the festive holiday season: we need them. The winter holidays can be lovely. For many of us this is when we unplug to spend time with friends and family, indulge and celebrate! However, if you’re trying to conceive or navigating grief after pregnancy loss, this season can be difficult. Our […]

Missed miscarriage

The shock of a missed miscarriage can be very difficult to deal with – as is any baby loss. Understanding the facts of exactly what a missed miscarriage is and how it will affect your body will help you cope with this difficult time. What is a missed miscarriage? A missed miscarriage, sometimes called delayed […]

How to nurture your emotional health

Your emotional health should always be a top priority, but we believe our emotional health and reproductive health are intrinsically linked. Whether you are trying to conceive, struggling with period health issues or navigating menopause, investing in your emotional health will help you feel stronger and able to take on challenges that come your way.   […]

Meet Julia Bueno, author of The Brink of Being

Julia Bueno is a psychotherapist and counsellor, specialising in miscarriage and baby loss. She is also the author of ‘The Brink of Being’ – a book which combines her professional expertise with her own personal experience of recurrent miscarriage, to create a heartfelt and helpful guide for readers wanting to learn more about the experience, […]

PTSD after a miscarriage

Miscarriage and PTSD are probably two things you wouldn’t associate together.

Maternal mental health – from infertility to loss

Many conversations around maternal mental health, are focused on mental illness that develops during pregnancy or after having a baby. However, we know that your role as a mother doesn’t always fall neatly into these two categories. There are many challenges and hurdles on the road to parenthood and we need to talk about maternal […]

The Four Types of PCOS

PCOS is one of the most common reproductive health issues – affecting 1 in 10 women globally.

&SISTERS guest blog: Let’s talk about organic period care

sustainable period care

We all know that plastics are a huge issue for the environment – but did you know that the chemicals in plastic could also be harming your body – and your fertility?  From plastic bottles to plastic tampon applicators, we are putting plastic in and on our bodies every single day. What we put inside […]

8 tips to help you quit smoking for good

Do you want to quit smoking? If so you are part of the 60% of smokers who want to stub out! There are obviously a multitude of health benefits that come with quitting, but if you are thinking about starting a family, it’s paramount. Smoking is not only incredibly dangerous for a growing baby, but […]

Pregnancy after sexual trauma

TW: In this blog post, we discuss themes and details of sexual abuse that some may find difficult to read. This article includes advice for survivors of sexual trauma, but be aware some content may be triggering.  This week is Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week. A time to focus on breaking the silence […]

Alcohol, fertility and pregnancy

alcohol and fertility

As Dry January comes to and end, many people will be looking forward to raising a glass to a new month. But if you’re trying to conceive is it a good idea to continue to give alcohol a miss? Here we take a look at the impact of alcohol on fertility and pregnancy – and […]

Exercise for fertility

exercise for fertility

There is much discussion on what is the best exercise for fertility. At Parla, we know that a healthy lifestyle is a huge part of preconception care. Exercise is a large part of that! No matter whether you are an athlete or someone that hates the gym, a bit of exercise can really help your […]

Five Things To Consider When Trying For A Baby

trying for a baby

Trying for a baby can be one of those most exciting things in a couple’s life and a little planning can go a long way as it sets the foundation for the lifelong health of you and your baby.  By planning ahead you can help your unborn child thrive, improve your fertility chances and reduce […]