Pregnancy, fertility and the Covid-19 Vaccine

This week saw the first Covid-19 vaccines administered in the UK. After a long 9 months of lockdowns, restrictions and face masks, hope is finally on the horizon. However, whilst you might think that we would all be clambering to get our hands on the game-changing vaccine, people still have questions and there are still […]

Stress, fertility and pregnancy

stress fertility pregnancy

Stress can impact all areas of your physical health – including your fertility and pregnancy. At Parla we are huge believers in the mind-body connection, which means we believe where your mind goes your body will follow, There are so many external factors that can cause stress during your fertility journey and pregnancy. Understanding how […]

Male infertility and mental health

male infertility and mental health

How often do you read about male infertility and mental health in the same blog post? The link between fertility struggles and mental wellbeing is palpable. It’s something we talk about a lot here at Parla – and society is slowly getting comfortable with the conversation.  But, we’re willing to admit, this conversation is all […]

Managing comparison during your fertility journey

They say that comparison is the thief of joy – and this can be especially true when you’re on a fertility journey. The impact that constantly comparing yourself to others can have on your mental health is huge – and looking after your mental wellness is crucial when you’re trying to conceive.  Whilst comparison is […]

Meet our experts: Fertility Nurse, Liz Harrison

Liz Harrison is an amazing fertility nurse and part of our ever expanding circle of Parla experts. With over a decade of experience, Liz is well placed to offer support to our community. Liz has had a rich and varied professional journey and her career has taken her to almost every corner of female healthcare. […]

Meet our experts: Jennie Hughes, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

jennie huges

Jennie is a pelvic health physiotherapist who has predominately worked in the NHS and began working privately in early 2019. Jennie applies her musculoskeletal and Pilates background to pelvic health issues treating both ante-natal and post-natal women for specific, pregnancy-related, musculoskeletal pain conditions. Her approach is specifically patient centred, working together with her patients to […]

What does the colour of my period blood mean for my health?

Our periods are a great indicator of what is going on inside our bodies. Our cycle length, period length and period pain can all be signs of a health or unhealthy menstrual cycle – but they are also totally unique to you! It’s important to get to know what a normal period looks like to […]

Pain – What is your body trying to tell you?

Pain is your body’s way of communicating with you, sending out a flare to let you know that something isn’t right.

LGBTQ fertility options – starting your journey

At Parla we believe that love is love and family is family, no matter how that family is made. But, regardless of who you want to have a baby with, the start of a fertility journey can be an overwhelming and confusing time. Breaking down LGBTQ fertility options In today’s blog, we’ve broken down the […]

Is there a link between BPA and fertility?

The connection between the chemical BPA and fertility is something that always comes up in our community. It’s a hot topic for parents to be and parents alike, as there are potential risks for both fertility and babies. In today’s blog, we’ll walk you through the potential dangers of BPA and explain ways you can […]

Age and fertility – should I be listening to my biological clock?

The connection between age and fertility is one of the hottest topics amongst the Parla community. With more women wanting to plan their family life around career aspirations and other lifestyle choices (read: enjoying a few more child-free holidays) – it’s understandable that many of us don’t start trying for a baby until way into […]

Coronavirus and Pregnancy

coronavirus and pregnancy

The link between coronavirus and pregnancy is worrying for many women. As the novel coronavirus pandemic moves forward, we’re all concerned about the implications this has on our health, and day to day lives. If you’re pregnant you may be more worried than others. We’ve collected the latest health advice here for you.  As this […]

Coronavirus and your fertility journey

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the world in recent weeks, with the UK the latest country to feel its effects. Many women and couples are concerned about the link between coronavirus and trying to conceive. You may also be worried about the impact it may have on your plans to start a family. The sheer […]

The benefits of a good night’s sleep – and how to get one!

benefit's of a good nights sleep

We all love a good night’s sleep and personally, we’re always craving an extra hour to two in bed. However, over half of UK adults admit to not even getting their much needed 8 hours each night. But what if we told you that your visit to the sandman wasn’t just an indulgence in relaxation, […]

Our interview with Clare Connolly, Yoga & Meditation Expert

Clare Connolly is the beautiful voice behind our guided meditations, one of the Parla community’s favourite features. Ahead of launching our upcoming Meditations for IVF, we sat down with Clare to chat about her career, the importance of the mind-body connection, and the role yoga and meditation plays in fertility.  Clare’s journey from the stage […]

Contraception: All you need to know about the copper coil

The copper coil is one of the most popular forms of contraception, with millions of women worldwide. using one. However, for the uninitiated, the idea of having something inserted in your womb can feel a little daunting! In today’s blog post we’ll answer any questions you may have about the copper IUD. We’ll also talk […]

Proactive fertility health: Coni and Mike’s story

For many couples, fertility testing is something they start to consider when having issues conceiving. However, understanding your fertility before you start trying can help you make informed decisions, plan effectively and reduce stress down the line. With our at-home hormone and sperms tests, you can get ahead of the curve and take a proactive […]

Our interview with Liz Harrison: our new Fertility Nurse on Parla

Liz Harrison is an amazing fertility nurse and one of the latest women to join our ever-expanding circle of Parla experts. With over a decade of experience, Liz is well placed to offer support to our community. She can’t wait to hear from you!  From the practical to the emotional, she is here to answer […]

How to prevent cervical cancer – #SmearForSmear

This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week. The awareness week, founded by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is behind the social media #smearforsmear campaign. This is why you may have seen your Instagram feed recently flooded with women (including the Parla team!)  smearing lipstick on their faces to raise awareness and encourage women to attend their […]

Birth Defects Prevention Month – How can I reduce the risk?

January is Birth Defects Prevention Month. The National Birth Defects Prevention organisation highlights the importance of maternal health in their 2020 theme: ‘Best for You. Best for Baby’.  Essentially, what’s good for you will boost your fertility health, as well as the health of your baby once you conceive! It might sound simple, but with […]

Our interview with Parla nutrition expert Katie Dalrymple

Nutrition is one of the cornerstones of our overall health and it’s never more important than when you are planning to start a family. From your fertility diet, to what to eat when breastfeeding, our mealtime choices can have a huge impact on our chances of conception and our baby’s developmental health. As we prepare […]

Navigating the holiday season when trying to conceive

We may have only opened the first few doors of our advent calendars but holiday party season is already in full swing. Whilst this can be the most wonderful time of the year, if you are trying to conceive, it can be hard. Whilst other people are enjoying mulled wine and Christmas cheer, you may […]

Our interview with Charlie Druce, Author of ‘Ripping Up The Script’

Like many people, Charlie Druce and his wife assumed that when they decided to start a family, that decision would be swiftly followed by the arrival of the first child. However, like the 1 in 7 couples who experience fertility struggles, their road to parenthood was not as simple as they may have hoped.  Charlie […]

Why do I struggle to open up to people?

Why do I struggle to open up to people

Many of us find it difficult to open up to people about our emotions. Even if you are generally good at expressing your feelings, when we are under extreme stress this can get harder. During your fertility journey, there are many potential emotional hurdles. These can be difficult to navigate on your own, so learning […]

Results of our study with the Wellcome Trust

study to understand the impact a digital platform

Earlier this year, Parla, together with the Wellcome Trust and researchers at University College London, undertook a study to understand the impact a digital platform, like Parla, could have on the preconception health of women trying to conceive. The project not only revealed much about the effect that these accessible support networks can have on […]

My hard-fought battle to become a mother

my hard-fought battle to become a mother

I was trying for a baby with my husband for three years.  At first we did the classic ‘trying but not trying.’ We tried that for 18 months. I pretended like it was still the early days and told myself it was normal for it to take this long. But I knew that I was stressed about it.

How to help someone going through infertility

how to help someone going through infertility

How do you help someone going through infertility? It’s a difficult question to answer. Obviously, there is no way to take away the pain someone is feeling when finding it hard to conceive. But support from loved ones can make all the difference when navigating this trying time. At Parla, we give a lot of […]

Sexual and reproductive health

sexual and reproductive health

The concept of sexual and reproductive health is multifaceted and complex. Some people may think that it only relates to the physical elements of our sex lives and reproductive system. However, that could not be further from the truth. Relationships and mental wellbeing are huge factors in reproductive health, something that is now being better […]
