Dealing with PMS


PMS ( pre-menstrual syndrome)  is common – but does this mean we should never question it? About 95% of women experience these physical and emotional changes in the lead up to their period.  You’ve probably heard many of your friends saying they are PMSing and this is what they really mean: their bodies are going […]

The Thyroid and Fertility

The thyroid is often overlooked when talking about fertility, despite being a key organ for hormone production. We usually talk about hormones that are produced in the ovaries – -such as oestrogen and progesterone –  when investigating fertility but the thyroid plays a much more crucial role than we might believe. So where is the […]

Dealing with Endometriosis? This guide is for you


Endometriosis is a common condition affecting 1.5 million women in the UK, with 6-10% of women of reproductive age being diagnosed – and yet it is still a topic that often goes undiscussed.  We are dedicated to changing the conversation around fertility, and making it more inclusive, proactive and supportive – and our guides are […]

Infertility under 30

infertility under 30 halsey

We need to talk about infertility under 30. The media seems to paint an image that infertility is only confined to older couples but in reality, there are many women under 30 who struggle to conceive. Whilst fertilit does decline with age, infertility under 30s is not as uncommon as you may think. There are […]

All about egg quality

egg quality

There are so many important factors when it comes to fertility – and egg quality is certainly one of them. Many people put so much pressure on their egg count as a sign of fertility, but what we need to understand is that it is only part of the fertility equation – and egg quality […]

Cancer and your fertility

cancer and your fertility

A cancer diagnosis is heartbreaking – and not something anyone prepares for in their lifetime. Cancer and treatments for cancer not only impacts your health but also can affect your future fertility chances. However, in the same way, that cancer treatments are advancing all the time, treatments to help you have a healthy, happy baby […]

How to choose the right fertility clinic

fertility clinic ivf hospital

Along with the sperm and the egg (be they yours or via a donor) your fertility clinic is one of the most important elements of your fertility journey. But do you know how to pick the right one for you? From location to cost, to the extra support they offer – there are many things […]

Starting to think about conceiving? This guide is for you.


The journey to pregnancy is very exciting but conceiving can also be more complicated than expected. You might think it is as easy as having unprotected sex but there are many more variables that come into play when trying to conceive. The main variables are: Periods, hormones and nutrition. In this guide, we’ll break down […]

Dealing with PCOS? This guide is for you!


PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that affects how the ovaries work and it impacts around 1 in 10 women in the UK. However, it is still a condition that many women find difficult to get support for. We are dedicated to changing the conversation around fertility, and making it more inclusive, proactive, […]

Considering assisted fertility? This guide is for you.

Dealing with subfertility can be painful and heartbreaking. However, there are a variety of assisted fertility treatments now available, thanks to the exciting evolution of medicine and technology. But with so many different options, how do you know which is the right one for you? And how do you weigh up the benefits and the […]

Gynaecological Cancer – How to spot the signs

gynaecological cancer

Did you know that each day, there are around 58 gynaecological cancer diagnosis. If we do the maths that is 21,000 cancer diagnosis each year in the UK for gynaecological cancers alone – a shockingly high amount. It is a huge number, but the awareness for these cancers are astonishingly low.  The only way to […]