Lauren and Loss

lauren and loss

The YouTube channel “Lauren and loss” was created by a loss mom and therapist who specialises in grief. She wanted to open up the conversation about stillbirth and miscarriage. In sharing stories about baby loss, she hopes to help other women experiencing recurrent miscarriage. At Parla, we also believe that sharing our experiences can help […]

Hormones 101: Prolactin in fertility testing

Prolactin in fertility testing – we tell you what you need to know. This blog explains why we’ve included prolactin in our hormone test panel. We believe in debunking myths around fertility science. Our experts have written the ‘Hormone 101’ series to explain each hormone in our test panel, and how it’s connected to fertility. […]

Hormones 101: FSH in fertility testing

FSH in fertility testing – we bring you the facts. To help you sift through misinformation online, we’re writing a ‘Hormones 101’ series, explaining the hormones included on our test panel. We empower women to take charge of their reproductive health. We believe in a holistic approach to fertility, including your physical and emotional health. […]

Hormones 101: Thyroxine (T4) in fertility testing

Thyroxine in fertility – we explain the science. We want women to be empowered and educated around reproductive health. More of us are choosing to have children later in life. This makes a proactive approach to fertility health important. At Parla, we help women plan ahead and take charge of their fertility journey. In this […]

Hormones 101: LH in fertility testing

LH in fertility testing – we’re giving you the science. This blog explains why we include LH in our hormone test panel. We empower women with knowledge about our bodies. At Parla, our experts debunk myths around women’s health to give you the facts. In our “Hormones 101” series, we explain why we’ve selected certain […]

Hormones 101: TSH in fertility testing

TSH in fertility testing – we’re telling you all about it in this blog! To help you sift through misinformed articles on the Internet, we’re writing a ‘Hormones 101’ series, explaining hormones included on our test panel. We also cover T4 in-depth here. We empower women to be proactive about fertility health. Parla is designed […]

Katie’s story: Walk in our shoes

Katie's story from walk in our shoes campaign

At Parla, we love sharing blogs written by our members or shared in the TTC community. We believe that in sharing our experiences we can empower and help each other and help women struggling with infertility to feel less alone. Some of these personal blogs include “Fertility journey” and “My journey to motherhood”. Through our […]

Pitchayada’s fertility story – from heartbreak to happy ending

pitchayada's fertility story

At Parla, the community is built on us sharing our stories and learning from each other. On our blog, we have a whole range of personal stories from “My journey to motherhood” or “Not as I planned: my fertility journey” to “The story of Lina Chan” – one of our founders. Through hearing about a […]

Fertility myths

popular fertility myths

You have probably heard tons of fertility myths from your friends, family or even the internet. Dr Google is a specialist in confusing us. The misinformation can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to know what’s true and what’s false. In a previous blog we wrote about the myth surrounding period syncing but there […]

Secondary infertility

secondary infertility

For many people, the term “secondary infertility” is completely unknown, and of those who have heard of it, many still won’t even understand it. You may think that if you have one child, you can surely have another one, right? Not necessarily. The misconception about secondary infertility This misconception results in a lack of information, […]

Fertility MOT

fertility mot

In this blog Katy Lindemann talks about her experience with “Fertility MOT” testing. Katy is a digital product and experience strategist currently writing a book that shares real women’s stories about the emotional experience of infertility and pregnancy loss. Before we jump into Katy’s story around female hormones and fertility testing let’s address some common […]

Infertility support groups online

infertility support groups online

Planning to have a baby is a major life transition, and can undoubtedly place pressure on your relationships. Unfortunately infertility can be a lonely, confusing and difficult journey – one that I know firsthand. Infertility support groups online can provide much needed support. When I was experiencing fertility problems and struggling with pregnancy loss, hearing […]

Acupuncture points for fertility

acupuncture points for fertility

Acupuncture is something that many women use to help with infertility. If you google it, you can find many success stories where acupuncture has helped with infertility. How does acupuncture help with infertility? But what does the research say? A recent study of over 800 Australian and New Zealand women undergoing acupuncture treatment during IVF […]

The story of Lina Chan: CEO & Co-Founder of Parla

Lina Chan Adia CEO and founder

Femtech is a growing industry, and one in which female founders are often influenced by their own experiences. Lina Chan is no different. Her story of a difficult road to motherhood is as honest and true as her desire to help women who are facing the same struggles. Whilst Parla was officially launched last year, […]