What’s involved in a frozen IVF cycle?

Are you considering a frozen IVF cycle? Within fertility there is a lot of talk about freezing your eggs – but what about freezing your embryos? If you are going through the process of IVF, you may be asked if you want to freeze your embryos so you can return to them at a later […]

Embryo transfer & the two-week wait

two week wait

The two-week wait will be familiar to anyone trying to conceive – that agonising period of time between your fertile window and your period due date . However, if you are going through an IVF cycle this wait can be even more intense. You will be given lots of information from your fertility clinic and […]

Your IVF Cycle – What to expect

ivf cycle

What happens at each stage of an IVF Cycle?  How long is an IVF cycle? What happens at each stage? And what’s the difference between a short and a long protocol? These are probably all questions you have if you are considering IVF.  As one of the most popular assisted fertility treatments, the process helps […]

HPV & Fertility

HPV is the Human Papillomavirus more commonly known as genital warts and today marks the International Awareness Day. It’s a good time to get clued up on what HPV is and especially what we need to know about when we are trying to conceive.  What is HPV? HPV, the Human Papillomavirus  is a virus which […]

What your vaginal discharge means

vaginal discharge

It is totally normal to have vaginal discharge – but what does it mean when the consistency or colour changes? Discharge can vary throughout our cycle. It can be clear or white, thick or sticky and sometimes be slippery and wet. This can all be totally unique to you and it’s important to know when […]