Sharing insights from thousands of fertility health journeys

women's health insights

The past year has been super interesting as we have supported thousands of women with their fertility health journey! Now it’s propelling us forward on our new brand and product.  First, a bit of context. We’ve been in a unique position as one of the only digital health companies (at least that I know of) […]

Fibroids 101: Do you have fibroids?

We’ve recently launched the Parla Quiz series: a fun and interactive way to get to grips with your reproductive health. Our first three quizzes help you understand your risk of endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS. These are all common conditions, but like most aspects of women’s health…bit of a black box! We’d like to change that, […]

Nuts for your nuts! How to improve sperm health

Most men produce millions of sperm each day. Then it takes these guys about two and half to three months to mature, and get ready for game time. The cool part is that this reserve of sperm then regenerates every two to three months. Given the typical inclination of male egos (mine included!) we’re pretty […]

20 best yoga poses for fertility

best yoga poses for fertility

Looking for some useful yoga poses for fertility? We’ve got you. In this blog we will show you 20 of the best ones. At Parla, we have previously written about yoga for stress relief, so if you want to learn more about it, you can check our blog on the benefits of yoga for mental […]

How to increase sperm count?

how to increase sperm count

Let’s be honest, sperm count isn’t really a topic many men talk about too regularly. When my wife Lina and I started trying to conceive I never even thought about the health of my sperm. I’ll admit, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as sperm health! Fast forward several years later — […]

Yoga for mental health

yoga for mental health

At Parla we believe in the power of yoga for mental health. It can help de-stress, clear your mind and take some time for yourself – whatever life stage you are at. In fact two of our co-founders (Lina and Tyler) are certified yoga teachers! Research also shows that yoga is a good way to […]

Causes of male infertility

Causes of male infertility

So, who is an avid fan of Handmaid’s tale? Definitely me! It always sparks curiosity about the causes of male infertility. As a mirror to our society the show seems to mainly highlight women. However, the background story is also about male subfertility, though the show doesn’t explore much about the actual causes of male’s […]

Male infertility stories: Tyler’s story

Tyler Christie CEO founder of Adia Health

As long as I can remember I have known I wanted to have kids. I don’t know what it was but I always just saw kids in my future and as part of my destiny. It’s not as if I had dreamy images of family. Rather it was just a deep, subconscious expectation that kids […]