Meet our founder: Lina Chan

To celebrate our first month at Parla, we’re taking you behind the scenes and (re) introducing you to the visionary behind the community. Meet our CEO and Co-Founder, Lina Chan.  Hello Lina, could you tell us a bit about yourself and why you started Parla? My parents were first generation Chinese immigrants in Brazil where […]

Fighting cancer: Fertility and Lynch Syndrome

Co-Founder of Adia (now Parla), Rose Acton, shares her experience of being diagnosed with a brain tumour and Lynch Syndrome and how this has impacted her fertility choices. As soon as I got diagnosed with cancer, I immediately thought about the impact on my fertility. I already knew that fertility was complex, and until you’ve […]

Let’s talk about BMI and fertility

The discussion around weight, BMI and fertility is not new and is both sensitive and complicated. However, it is a conversation that needs to be had in terms of its limits as a determinant of health, the medical bias in providing fertility treatments and also the fat-shaming culture in society. But first, let’s go back […]

Meet experts on Parla: Aleeza Rosenberg

Meet Aleeza Rosenberg – senior specialist dietician in pre-conception, fertility and pregnancy health. She graduated cum laude with an Honours degree in Dietetics and was awarded the degree MSc Clinical & Public Health Nutrition (Eating Disorders) with distinction from University College London (UCL). She has been practising since 2004, both in private practice and for […]

Meet experts on Parla: Grace Carey-Caton

Meet Grace Carey-Canton – registered Nutritionist (mBANT) (mCNHC) specialising in reproductive health. She works with people on a vastly ranging and ever-expanding list of symptoms and conditions such as; fertility, pregnancy, PCOS, endometriosis, acne, menopause, thyroid problems, pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular cycles and hormone balancing.  Her approach to nutrition is to educate her clients on how […]

Meet experts on Parla: Roberta Stringer

Meet Roberta Stringer – Naturopathic Nutritionist with a special interest in sperm health and hormones. After a successful career as a TV publicist, Roberta pursued her passion for supporting people’s journeys to optimal wellness, by studying for three years at the College of Natural Medicine in London. Her naturopathic approach is rooted in Hippocrates’ philosophy […]

Antioxidants, sperm health and male sub-fertility

There’s been a lot of noise around antioxidants and sperm health recently and rightly so too! Studies show that they can help improve subfertility and sperm health. But what are antioxidants, how do they work and how can you add more to your diet? The science on anti-oxidants and sperm health  Antioxidants are substances that […]

Reproductive health and community: It takes a village

We know from our users and our own first-hand experiences, that reproductive and sexual health journeys can be extremely isolating and lonely. For experiences that are relatively common the taboo surrounding them means they, unfortunately, result in a deafening silence. This is not where we should be in 2020, society needs to catch up. We […]

Why Black Lives Matter in reproductive healthcare

racial disparities in reproductive healthcare

It’s impossible to ignore the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement right now. As a possibly new (and often uncomfortable) concept for many non-black people, it just goes to show how normal black death, brutality and pain are in our society. But what does this mean when it comes to black people, racial disparities and reproductive healthcare? […]

Period tracking: How to get started

period tracking

Menstrual health day is all about education and one way to educate yourself about your body is by tracking your cycle. Period tracking is about much more than just your period. Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you better understand your body and the unique physical, hormonal and emotional patterns that you experience. Having this […]

9 Fertility diet recipes

Ingredient choice may be slightly limited right now and meal inspiration waning, but that doesn’t mean that your preconception fertility diet has to suffer. 9 tasty recipes for fertility health Using 3 male and female fertility boosting ingredients that are also store-cupboard staples, we’ve created 9 tasty but simple recipes for you to try this […]

How to keep sex fun and boost intimacy whilst TTC

sex and TTC

When you’re on a TTC journey, there’s a stereotype that you’re having regular mind-blowing sex. Although it may start off like this, if you encounter unexpected delays and infertility, then frequent passionate sex can become almost non-existent. Keeping sex sexy while TTC You may be trying to conceive, but life goes on. Between ovulation tracking […]

PMDD 101: What are the symptoms and how can you manage them?


PMDD awareness month may be drawing to a close, but for those with the condition life goes on. We take a deeper look into the condition, how to get a diagnosis and share advice from our experts on how to manage your symptoms.  What is PMDD? Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of […]

Reproductive wellbeing and work: How can we improve support?

Navigating reproductive wellbeing and work place can be challenging Navigating our reproductive wellbeing and fertility experiences is often a challenge in and of itself, but doing this whilst working adds an extra level of complexity and stress. When we sit down at our desks or enter our places of work, it is unfortunately impossible to […]