To celebrate our first month at Parla, we’re taking you behind the scenes and (re) introducing you to the visionary behind the community. Meet our CEO and Co-Founder, Lina Chan. 

Hello Lina, could you tell us a bit about yourself and why you started Parla?

My parents were first generation Chinese immigrants in Brazil where I was born and raised. I went to university in the US and built my career working across the US and the UK. 

Before starting Parla I was an investor for over 15 years. All throughout my 20s and early 30s I focused on my career and didn’t think much about starting a family. I always thought the journey to motherhood would be an easy one particularly as I come from a family of four and my husband from a family of 3. I never imagined that the journey would be such a roller-coaster and that it would completely turn my life upside down. I had a stillbirth, then a miscarriage and trouble conceiving. The impact it had on me physically and emotionally was tremendous. 

This journey (with all its challenges) is what drove me to start Parla. A platform and community to empower and support women on a stage in their lives that can sometimes be extremely challenging. I gathered a lot of knowledge and empathy during the past few years and hope that I can help others have a better, more empowered and confident experience. 

Aside from leading the team at Parla, how do you support people with their reproductive health journeys?

I see myself as a connector and a mentor. I have met some amazing experts in the field of reproductive health through my personal journey and if anyone needs a recommendation I am happy to share my views and what worked for me. 

I am a great listener and hope to be here to support women emotionally. I can share what worked for me emotionally during my journey to motherhood, how to balance work and life and I also am a mentor to women looking to gain more experience in finance and start-ups. 

How long have you been supporting women along their fertility journeys?

My experience working with and supporting women started in 2015. Parla was founded in 2018. 

What inspires you and what’s your goal when it comes to reproductive health?

I think that there is a real gap in care for women and women’s reproductive health issues. Both from understanding what happens to our bodies, but also to our emotional wellbeing. These issues can be exacerbated during some of the key reproductive life stages that women go through from your first period, to fertility and the menopause. 

I really want to change the way women talk and approach fertility. I want women to feel empowered and confident as they go from one stage to another. I want women to better understand their bodies and feel more in control. By doing that they can better physical and emotional outcomes. This then has a knock-on effect on their relationships and career. 

More needs to be done by women for women. That’s why I founded Parla. To change the conversation around fertility, empower women in accessing care and understanding their bodies. 

What are you most proud of when it comes to your work?

Every women who tells me that they have had a positive experience with Parla or who tells me that we helped improve their journey is a highlight in my career and makes me proud of the work that I and we all do day in and day out.  

What do you wish you’d been told about fertility at the start of your journey?

That you’re not alone!

So many reproductive health issues are shrouded in taboo. Women don’t realise that infertility and pregnancy loss is actually quite common. They often suffer in silence and blame themselves! That also means they don’t get the care that they need when they need it which can have tremendous impact on their emotional wellbeing. By breaking the silence and sharing our stories we normalise things and hopefully make it easier for the next generation of women. It’s important we share our experiences and stories not just around infertility but also around period problems and the menopause – across all reproductive life stages. This will ensure things change for us and the generations to come. 

What is one reproductive health myth that you’d like to bust?

Not so sure I would characterise it as a “myth” per se.  But a lot of people think that the health of a pregnancy starts when you fall pregnant. But actually, pre-conception health is really important. It takes 3 months for sperm to form and for your body to recruit the egg so it’s important to focus on nutrition and emotional wellbeing before you start trying.

Aside from the Parla app, where can we find you?

Twitter: @linaychan

Linkedin: linachan

Instagram: @linaychan