AMH, egg reserves and fertility testing

We believe in the importance of tackling myths and misinformation around fertility. That’s why our approach, product and tests have all been developed by leading fertility experts. There has been a lot of speculation about the role of AMH in fertility hormone tests. To clarify any foggy science, and debunk myths out there,  fertility specialist […]

Hormones 101: Prolactin in fertility testing

Prolactin in fertility testing – we tell you what you need to know. This blog explains why we’ve included prolactin in our hormone test panel. We believe in debunking myths around fertility science. Our experts have written the ‘Hormone 101’ series to explain each hormone in our test panel, and how it’s connected to fertility. […]

Hormones 101: FSH in fertility testing

FSH in fertility testing – we bring you the facts. To help you sift through misinformation online, we’re writing a ‘Hormones 101’ series, explaining the hormones included on our test panel. We empower women to take charge of their reproductive health. We believe in a holistic approach to fertility, including your physical and emotional health. […]

Hormones 101: Thyroxine (T4) in fertility testing

Thyroxine in fertility – we explain the science. We want women to be empowered and educated around reproductive health. More of us are choosing to have children later in life. This makes a proactive approach to fertility health important. At Parla, we help women plan ahead and take charge of their fertility journey. In this […]

Hormones 101: LH in fertility testing

LH in fertility testing – we’re giving you the science. This blog explains why we include LH in our hormone test panel. We empower women with knowledge about our bodies. At Parla, our experts debunk myths around women’s health to give you the facts. In our “Hormones 101” series, we explain why we’ve selected certain […]

Hormones 101: TSH in fertility testing

TSH in fertility testing – we’re telling you all about it in this blog! To help you sift through misinformed articles on the Internet, we’re writing a ‘Hormones 101’ series, explaining hormones included on our test panel. We also cover T4 in-depth here. We empower women to be proactive about fertility health. Parla is designed […]

Female hormones and fertility

female hormones and fertility

We know that hormones and female fertility can be confusing.  1 in 7 couples face infertility and the vast majority of women in the UK use hormonal contraception. So, it’s something we should feel more knowledgeable and confident about. We believe knowledge is power. That’s why we think women should understand fertility before they get […]
