The world of IVF can feel overwhelming and intimidating.

If you are considering IVF you’re probably experiencing a host of confusing emotions and trying to decipher the myths and theories from advice you can trust.

Our expert-led group programme will give you an empowering start to your IVF journey and help you prepare mentally and physically for the road ahead and improve your chances of a successful cycle.

Next Course Coming Soon

As Featured In

Dr Linda Farahani

IVF Consultant and Expert In Reproductive Medicine

Le’Nise Brothers

Nutritionist and Hormone Health Expert

What Clients Are Saying

Everything was organised very nicely, there's a lot of sensitivity and empathy around it.
It felt like a safe place.
I know how much misinformation is out there. I like that Parla is a protected, curated space.
I now know where to turn people to for trusted support. I'd say go to Parla, just do it!
I learn so much in each session. It's so helpful!

What's Included

3 Weekly Live Webinars

Dr Linda Farahani will be your guide over 2 weeks, where we’ll cover all of your burning questions about IVF – from how to pick your clinic to what to expect from your cycle. On the third week Le’Nise Brothers to discuss how to prepare mentally and physically for your IVF journey

In-depth guide

You’ll receive an e-guide each week which is full of useful information and advice to support your learning.

Supportive Community

Connect with other women on the same journey in a closed community to share your experience.

£200+ in Partner Products

Enjoy your digital goody bag full of discounts from our wellness partners and save over £200.

What You'll Learn

Week 1

Let’s Talk Infertility

In this first webinar, Dr Linda will help you explore the reasons you may require assisted fertility treatment, the different options of treatment and help you understand some of the more complex areas of fertility, including ovarian reserve.


Your First Cycle

Making big decisions about your fertility treatment can feel overwhelming but in this session, Dr Linda will advise you on how to pick the right doctor and clinic for you and break down exactly what happens through an IVF cycle. We’ll also discuss what to do if your cycle is successful – and if it isn’t.


Preparing Your Mind and Body

In this final session, nutritionist and yoga teacher Le’Nise Brothers will share tips on how to prepare mentally and physically for IVF and the things you can do to improve your chances of a successful cycle.

This Course Is For You If...

What Clients Are Saying

“There was so much actionable information - much more in-depth than anything I have received from my GP”
I know how much misinformation is out there. I like that Parla is a protected, curated space
I learn so much in each session and it's so helpful!

Enroll today to save 50%

The Parla programme is an affordable and accessible way for you to get the personalised, holistic and integrated support you need today!

Price of a Private Consultation


Waitlist offer. £260 after.



Always Available

All women deserve access to the expertise and support they need to manage their endometriosis symptoms. We don't want cash flow to be a barrier to you taking part in the programme.

If a payment plan or scholarship would help you join us, please complete the form below to request more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the programme live or self-paced?

The weekly webinars are live on Wednesday evenings GMT. Whilst Natasha is based in the UK we had people join from all over the world!

But if you miss one of the live sessions there is no need to worry. We will send you a recording of the webinar so you can watch at your own pace.

The in-depth course guide is packed full of information that you can read and digest in your own time, but the webinars are a great opportunity to ask Natasha any questions you may have and interact with the other women in your group.

I can’t make all the sessions, can I still join?

Of course! We do recommend you attend as many sessions as possible to get the most value from our experts, but if you miss one or two – that’s fine.

All sessions will be recorded and distributed to participants. These are shared privately with a password.

I’m not trying to get pregnant, is this programme for me?

Definitely. Whilst fertility is often a concern for people with Endo, we know that it’s not the whole story – and it’s not the focus of this course. Everything you learn will be valuable and transformative, regardless of whether you are thinking about starting a family or not.

Do you offer payment plans?

We want to make sure everyone can access this course, regardless of their financial situation. If you feel like you can’t pay the full fee upfront, get in touch at and we will be able to tell you more about our payment plans.

I don’t have an official endometriosis diagnosis, is this programme for me?

It can be quite complex to get a firm diagnosis of endometriosis, so if you still feel in the dark, you are not alone – the average time from noticing symptoms to diagnosis is 8 years!

The course will not only empower you with the knowledge to take control of any symptoms you are experiencing, but it will also give you the confidence to talk to your doctor again and get the support you need.

Take the next step towards

becoming a parent.

We know that navigating IVF is never easy but we would love to go on this journey with you, and support you at every step.