Considering assisted fertility? This guide is for you.

Dealing with subfertility can be painful and heartbreaking. However, there are a variety of assisted fertility treatments now available, thanks to the exciting evolution of medicine and technology. But with so many different options, how do you know which is the right one for you? And how do you weigh up the benefits and the risks? In our new Parla Guide we break down the most common fertility treatments. 

We are dedicated to changing the conversation around fertility, and making it more inclusive, proactive and supportive – and our guides are based on these principles. After reading (or listening! All our guides are available in audio too!) all the information, we believe you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more empowered to take the next step forward to becoming a parent. 

What are assisted fertility treatments?

Assisted fertility is an option many couples with subfertility turn to. There are four common types of assisted fertility options: IVF (in-vitro fertilisation), IUI (intrauterine insemination), surrogacy, and egg & sperm donation. Each option comes with its own set of risks and success rates. In the guide, we highlight the key points you should consider before embarking on this journey, such as access, cost, and success rate of the treatment. We want to make sure you’re equipped with all the information, so you can feel confident when speaking to your doctor and making this important decision. 

The four assisted fertility treatments we focus on in the guide are:

IVF – IVF is the most common choice of assisted fertility treatment. It can be effective for a multitude of subfertility issues, but it can be costly. One cycle costs approximately £5000 and most couples have an average of 6-8 cycles before conceiving.

IUI – IUI involves the injection of the sperm into the uterus whereas IVF involves the combination of the sperm and the egg in a laboratory. IUI is less invasive, but is not always as effective as IVF – it all depends on your unique situation.

Surrogacy – Surrogacy involves someone carrying and delivering your baby for you – but not necessarily being biologically linked to the child. This is a route many male same-sex couples go down, but also women who don’t have their own uterus or are not able to carry a pregnancy.

Sperm & egg donation  – Another popular option for same-sex couples – or couples where their sperm or egg quality is particularly low. This technically falls under IVF, but there are many other considerations – financially and emotionally – to factor in. 

What’s the right assisted fertility treatment for me?

When choosing your fertility treatment, it’s important to understand what specific subfertility issue you are facing. Is it a problem with sperm health or count? Or maybe you have an underlying condition such as endometriosis or PCOS? Usually, your fertility specialist will carry out tests to gather more information about your or your partner’s fertility issues. Once you have that information, you’ll be able to assess your options – and our Parla Guide can help you navigate that next step. 

Our guide explains which treatment route is most effective in dealing with your specific issue. For example, IVF can be an effective treatment for fertility problems such as tubal blockage and can also be beneficial for women with ovulation problems. IUI on the other hand, can be useful for men dealing with poor quality sperm, as the sperm can be washed to optimise its performance. We’ll also discuss eligibility, success rate and risks to bear in mind. Assisted fertility treatment is a long journey, and ensuring you pick the right type of treatment is an important first step. 

How can I look after my mental wellbeing during assisted fertility?

This journey of assisted fertility can be a hard one and it may affect you physically, as well as emotionally. This whole process may span years, so it is essential to take care of yourself and take time to do things that make you happy and keep you healthy. In the guide we talk more about how to prepare yourself emotionally for fertility treatment. We also have guided meditations to help calm your mind during the process and our expert-led community to help support you during the difficult times.

How will the Parla guide help me on my fertility journey?

Assisted fertility is a life-changing decision which will involve extensive conversations with your partner and healthcare provider. It is a big commitment, and you need to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared. Whether you just want to learn more about assisted fertility or are ready to embark on this journey, our guide will answer some of the burning questions you might have on the topic. 

More questions our guide will answer:

  1. Is the type of subfertility important when choosing an assisted fertility treatment?
  2. How are the assisted fertility treatment types different? 
  3. What assisted fertility treatments are available?
  4. What key information regarding assisted fertility should I look out for? 
  5. How do I know if assisted fertility is for me?
  6. Where can I get support for assisted fertility?
  7. Is nutrition important when undergoing assisted fertility?
  8. How can I prepare myself emotionally for assisted fertility? 

At Parla we are committed to empowering you with the information needed to make proactive decisions about your fertility journey. Our guides and expert-led community are here to support you and at every step of your journey. Learn about your body, understand your options and take control of your fertility.

This post is here to provide educational information only. It does not provide medical advice, and does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Parla does not replace your relationship with any general practitioner or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or diagnosis or treatment. 

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