Considering egg freezing? This guide is for you.

In the last decade, egg freezing has become one of the fastest-growing areas of assisted fertility. It is definitely a solution for women and AFAB people who want to preserve their fertility and give themselves the freedom to become a parent further down the line. To make an informed decision, you need to understand if it’s the right option for you, when’s the best time to do it, what the process looks like and how it actually affects your chances of pregnancy. In our new Parla Guide on Egg Freezing, we answer all those important questions. 

We are dedicated to changing the conversation around fertility, and making it more inclusive, proactive and supportive – and our guides are based on these principles. After reading (or listening!) to all the information, we believe you’ll feel more empowered to make the right choices for your fertility journey. 

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a fairly simple medical procedure that allows you to freeze your own eggs in order to extend your fertile years. Essentially, once extracted, eggs are frozen, stored and thawed at a later date. They are then fertilised with sperm and inseminated for pregnancy via IVF. In the guide you’ll find information about how the freezing actually works and will learn all about extraction, thawing and insemination. We will also provide you with information on success rates, statistics of the number of babies being born from frozen eggs and discuss the risks related to the procedure. You may also find it interesting to learn what happens with the eggs which are frozen but not used! As always, we will also guide you on the lifestyle factors that help maximise your chances of pregnancy.

Is egg freezing right  for me?

Maybe you want to embark on parenthood with a partner and haven’t met the right person yet, want to focus on your career first or simply gather some more financial security before trying to conceive – there are multiple reasons you may want to preserve your fertility. Some medical situations – such as treatment that may impact your egg count or quality –  can put you in a position where egg freezing would be a useful thing to consider! In this guide we will walk you through all medical reasons as well as explain why your age is such an important factor in this decision.

At what age should I freeze my eggs? Should I consider it? Will it work for me? These are really common questions and we hope that our community and this guide will help you answer some of them! When it comes to timing, it’s important to consider your life goals, plans and your age. In terms of whether it’s right for you, the most important thing to consider is whether there are any major health issues that could put you at risk. 

How will the Parla guide help me on my fertility journey?

If you’re thinking about egg freezing and have started doing some research, it’s perfectly normal to feel slightly overwhelmed. But don’t panic! Before deciding to pursue egg freezing, it’s a good idea to have a discussion with a fertility expert – but our egg freezing guide, experts and community are all here to help you too. The bottom line is that your fertility journey is totally personal, and you have to make the right decision for you.

More questions our guide will answer:

  1. What’s the process like? What tests, hormones, and medications are involved?
  2. What are the ethical decisions related to managing frozen eggs?
  3. How to find a clinic and doctor that’s right for you?
  4. What are the other freezings, eg. embryo or sperm freezing? 
  5. Is there an ideal age to freeze your eggs? 
  6. How can I prepare myself emotionally for egg freezing?
  7. Is lifestyle important? 
  8. What are the costs involved? 

At Parla we are committed to empowering you with the information needed to make proactive decisions about your fertility journey. Our guides and expert-led community are here to support you at every step of your journey. Learn about your body, understand your options and take control of your fertility.

Are you ready to learn more about egg freezing? Meet us at Parla and access this guide free for a limited time. 

This post is here to provide educational information only. It does not provide medical advice, and does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Parla does not replace your relationship with any general practitioner or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or diagnosis or treatment. 

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