Considering having a baby? This guide is for you.

Deciding to try for a baby is a huge milestone in life. But is your body ready for pregnancy? And what can you do to improve your chances of getting pregnant? There are a few things you can do to maximise your chances and proactively prepare for conception – and we’ve created a guide that will help you navigate this exciting stage of life!  

We want to change the conversation around fertility and make it inclusive, proactive and supportive. Our guides are based on these principles. After reading (or listening!) to all the information, we believe you’ll feel more empowered to make the right choices for yourself, your fertility and your life.

What do I need to know?

At Parla we believe that it’s important for everyone to learn more about their bodies and their fertility. When it comes to TTC (trying to conceive), it’s useful to know elements that impact your fertility and what you can do to maximise your chances of conceiving naturally and healthily. 

How will the Parla guide help me on my fertility journey?

Our guides go into a bunch of detail  about all the elements of preparing for conception and pregnancy – here are just a few of the things we can cover.

  1. You will learn about your timeline! There are two timelines you should be thinking about. First is your life and age as a whole and the second is your menstrual cycle timeline, which repeats every month. We will explain how age impacts your chances of getting pregnant and why tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation is so important! 
  1. You will learn how to track your cycle and what fertile signs are! There are signs you can look for each day to tell if you are fertile. The most important signs to look out for are the cervical mucus, waking temperature, and the position of the cervix. We’ll explain more about each of these in the guide.
  1. You will learn about fertility & ovulation trackers! We have an app for everything now, including baby-making. Read the guide to find out how they work and how to choose the best one for you.
  1. You will learn what you should check for in your family’s medical history. Your baby’s health will be influenced by genetic factors that have roots in your family tree. However, your medical history and your current health status are really important too. Check the “Your Health” section of the guide to find out more.
  1. You will learn about the impact of various medications and contraception on your chances of getting pregnant. Some medications may contain ingredients that affect the baby or fertility. On the other hand, you may also want to start some additional supplements! Check the guide to see what’s recommended and backed up by research.
  1. You will learn about the impact of lifestyle on your chances of conceiving! This is a really important topic and we make sure to cover everything from diet to exercise, with some practical tips and evidence from research
  1. You will learn about TTC sex! How often? How to keep it fun? Do positions matter? Can we use lube? We’ll help you avoid “baby-making” becoming just another task on the to-do list.
  1. You will learn more about managing stress, particularly related to TTC. Your body is smart, it knows that periods of stress aren’t good times to have a baby. 
  1. You will learn about your partner’s role in the process! Just like you have to work to understand your body and create a healthy, stress-free, nutritious environment for the baby, your partner should be working on themselves too. If your partner is male, it’s his responsibility to take care of his body to increase his fertility and sperm quality.
  1. You will learn about your options when things don’t go according to the plan. 1 out of every 4 couples have trouble getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. If infertility is an issue, do not panic. Modern medicine offers a lot of solutions! You can find more about those in the guide as well. 

There you go – your 10 steps to improving your chances of getting pregnant! Our guide will go into more detail about each of these points and help you make lifestyle changes and plans, leading up to when you want to TTC. 

At Parla we are committed to empowering you with the information needed to make proactive decisions about your fertility journey. Our guides and expert-led community are here to support you at every step of your journey. Learn about your body, understand your options and take control of your fertility.

Are you ready to learn more about egg freezing? Meet us at Parla and access this guide as part of your membership.  

This post is here to provide educational information only. It does not provide medical advice, and does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Parla does not replace your relationship with any general practitioner or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or diagnosis or treatment.

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