Looking to learn more about contraception? This guide is for you.

The introduction of the contraceptive pill in 1961 marked the liberation of women – but still, in 2020, choices around contraception can be confusing. Have you ever questioned the first choice you’ve been offered by your doctor? Did you know that personal factors and medical history mpact the effectiveness and side-effects that you will experience? Are you worried that your current contraception is affecting your fertility in the long-run? You are not alone. 

As this week we celebrate World Contraception Day, we’d like to encourage you to give yourself the gift of knowledge and empowerment by learning more about options available to you!

At Parla, we are dedicated to changing the conversation around fertility, and making it more inclusive, proactive and supportive – and our guides are based on these principles. After reading (or listening!) to all the information, we believe you’ll feel more empowered to make the right choices for yourself.

Types of contraception, side effects and benefits?

The NHS website lists 14 different methods of contraception – so, it’s important to research all the options available. Your hormonal options include pills, patch, ring, injection, implant and IUS. The non-hormonal options are IUD, condom and fertility awareness. Inour Parla Guide we go into detail about each type, learn how it works, its pros and cons as well as busting some of the myths that surround contraception!

What is the fertility awareness method?

It’s all about knowing yourself and your body! Natural family planning (or “fertility awareness”) is a method of contraception where you monitor and record different fertility signals during your menstrual cycle to work out when you are likely to get pregnant. On average, the cycle lasts around 28 days and women are only fertile for 8-9 of those days! If natural family planning is followed correctly, it can be up to 99% effective. In our guide, we explain everything that you need to keep in mind if you decide to follow this method. As you may already know, there are plenty of apps now that help you predict the fertile days. Some apps like Natural Cycles require you to input your basal body temperature to track your hormone levels, alongside information on your mood and physical symptoms. However, these apps have not always been as effective as they claim. Check out the guide to learn why those apps are controversial. 

Are there any innovations?

Yes! We are seeing more and more FemTech and medical technologies companies working in the space, so the best contraceptive method may be still yet to come! Pexxi is working to understand a unique combination of women’s hormonal, genetic and emotional needs to design the perfect pill. Check out the guide to learn about others.

Contraception and fertility

Are you worried that your long-term use of contraception will affect your chances of getting pregnant? That’s a common concern. Researchers are still investigating but so far we can’t say that contraception impacts your fertility negatively. With some methods, you can get pregnant as soon as you stop it, eg. IUD, with others, it may take a few months. Find out more in the guide.

How will the Parla help me choose the right contraception?

The guide will provide you with information about various types so you can find evidence that resonates with you and your personal situation. We also explain other factors you should consider like your personal timeframe and medical conditions. We talk you through the questions you need to ask yourself. However, importantly, Parla is here to provide you with access to experts and community. Many of your concerns and doubts can be resolved when you ask your girlfriends, medical experts or Parla’s community. 

A few questions our Contraception Guide will answer

  1. Should I be on a pill if I am experiencing migraines? 
  2. Does hormonal contraception impact fertility? 
  3. Can other medications impact the effectiveness of the pill?
  4. What are the effects of hormonal pills on your libido and mental health?
  5. Can the progesterone-only-pill increase acne?
  6. How long does the injection and implant last for?
  7. Can the pill reduce your risks of ovarian and colon cancer?
  8. When should I come off hormonal contraception if I want to have a baby?

And many more!

At Parla we are committed to empowering you with the information needed to make proactive decisions about your fertility journey. Our guides and expert-led community are here to support you at every step of your journey. Learn about your body, understand your options and take control of your fertility.

Are you ready to learn more about contraception? Meet us at Parla and access this guide as part of your membership.  

This post is here to provide educational information only. It does not provide medical advice, and does not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  Parla does not replace your relationship with any general practitioner or healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or diagnosis or treatment.

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