Best women’s health books

The Parla team are huge bookworms and wanted to share the best women’s health books to read in 2019. When we’re not talking about female wellness and health and wellness – we’re reading about it! We’ve written a bit about some of the great books out there such as “XX” by Angela Chadwick here and we also made a list of our favourite fertility books. We wanted to share some more of our recommendations for the best women’s health books on female health, friendship and motherhood.

Here are the best women’s health books to read in 2019

So here it goes! We hope you will enjoy this list and pick up some of the books if you haven’t read them already. These women authors are truly remarkable and many have several publications so its worth digging in a bit to learn more about them and what they are up to — truly inspiring!

Eat, Drink, Run – Bryony Gordon

Not satisfied with simply running a marathon, mental health & wellness campaigner and friend of Prince Harry, Bryony Gordon then went on to write a book about it. Despite previously not even being able to ‘run for a bus’, training for a marathon turned out to be one of the easier challenges Bryony faced, as the book details her battle with sobriety, her extreme form of OCD and journey to self love. These complex subjects are broached with her trademark sharp wit, making this a book that will not only inspire and uplift you, but may make you laugh on loud – so caution advised if reading in public.

Dare to Dream: My Struggle to Become a Mum – Izzy Judd

Classical violinist Izzy Judd, has many strings to her bow. Musician, podcaster and, along with her husband McFly drummer and Strictly Come Dancing winner Harry, is one half of a seriously talented couple. But last year she turned her hand to writing, with a book charting her experience with miscarriage and IVF on the road to becoming a mum. Izzy has long been a passionate advocate for breaking down the stigma around fertility issues and in sharing her story she not only continues to enrich the conversation, but offers hope to women in a similar situation.

Everything I Know About Love – Dolly Alderton

Dolly Alderton, one half of the High Low podcast and poster girl for millennial single life, stormed into the Sunday Times Best seller list last year with this, her debut memoir. Ostensibly a deep dive into the complexities of dating and heartbreak, the book turns out to be a glorious celebration of female friendships and proof that soul mates don’t always come under the guise of romance. After becoming the book of 2018, EIKAL was re-released in paperback last week with an added chapter dedicated to what Dolly has learned since leaving her twenties behind and reaching 30.

How to Grow a Baby and Push It Out – Clemmie Hooper

You might struggle to find someone more qualified to give advice on pregnancy and birth than Clemmie Hooper aka Mother of Daughters. As a mother of four (including 3 year old twins Ottilie and Delilah) and a midwife with over 10 years experience, Clemmie is well acquainted with the wonder and weirdness of making a baby and bringing it into the world. She shares her insights on birth, female health and the importance of self care and wellness, in ‘How to Grow a Baby’ which was originally published in 2017 with an accompanying journal. Much to the delight of fans of her dry and humorous Instagram stories, this month it was also released as an audiobook.

The Gynae Geek – Dr Anita Mitra

We love anything to do with female health here at Parla, but what we love even more is when someone busts the myths, scraps the jargon and tells it to you straight. That’s what Dr Anita Mitra does in her self proclaimed ‘no nonsense guide to ‘down there’ healthcare.’ Anita is a practicing NHS doctor, social media star, public speaker and expert in all things gynae. In her debut book she tackles everything from cervical cancer and thrush to endometriosis and the effect of pill for fertility, in an informative and understandable style that will connect with women of all ages and stages of life.

The Skincare Bible: Your No-Nonsense Guide to Great Skin –  Dr Anjali Mahto

From ‘down there’ to ‘up here’, another favourite straight talking doctor of ours is consultant dermatologist Dr Anjali Mahto. Her hugely popular book is based on the questions she is regularly asked by patients and breaks down every issue imaginable that relates to the body’s biggest organ. From liver spots to scarring, rashes to rosacea, the book covers it all. Whether you are looking for guidance on teenage acne or menopausal skin conditions, reading the book is like having a personal consultation with Mahto and you will find everything you need in her treasure trove of easy to digest advice.

Body Full of Stars: Female Rage and My Passage Into Motherhood – Molly Caro May

In this deeply personal memoir, Molly Caro May examines the complexities of female health and post-partum life, based on her own experience following the birth of her daughter Eula. Whilst other mothers were basking in the glow of caring for a newborn, Molly was tackling pelvic prolapse and a hormonal imbalance which she later identified as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – an extreme form of PMS. The book – which ricochets between heartbreaking, thought provoking and darkly funny –  examines the dismissiveness of female health and the journey new mothers go on in order to reconnect with their own bodies after childbirth.

What women’s health books do you love?

So that’s our list of the best women’s health books to read in 2019. But we know it’s not compete! We’re always looking for more insightful books. If you have some you’d like to share drop it in the comments below or share it with us in our community.

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