Meet experts on Parla: Roberta Stringer

Meet Roberta Stringer – Naturopathic Nutritionist with a special interest in sperm health and hormones.

After a successful career as a TV publicist, Roberta pursued her passion for supporting people’s journeys to optimal wellness, by studying for three years at the College of Natural Medicine in London. Her naturopathic approach is rooted in Hippocrates’ philosophy of “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Having personal experience of two pregnancies and being of an age whereby she is personally experiencing the ups and downs of hormonal change, Roberta is eager to provide nutrition support during these key life stages. 

She has a particular interest in supporting men with their hormonal health as this is often overlooked or only considered as secondary to their partner’s fertility.

Meet Roberta Stringer: Expert on Parla

How do you support people with their reproductive health and wellbeing?

I am a naturopathic nutritionist and support my clients with their fertility journeys by looking at diet and lifestyle choices that can positively or negatively impact their hormone health. Everything we eat or drink can either push us towards wellness or take us further away from it and by making better nutrition choices, we can make significant improvements in every aspect of our hormonal health. 

There are many nutrients that are key for men and women’s fertility, and with today’s western diet deficiencies are common. Therefore, by addressing these we can positively influence health. 

How long have you been working in your field?

I qualified from the College of Natural Medicine in 2014 and have been working in private practice since. 

Why do you do what you do?

Nutrition is rewarding as everyone can make positive changes to their diet, and little changes change everything. 

What’s been a career highlight/ what are you most proud of when it comes to your work?

Joining Parla! I am most proud of my clients. Change isn’t easy for everyone but the drive and determination I see daily from people wanting to make changes in their diet and lifestyle to be happier and healthier is incredibly rewarding. 

What do you wish people knew about reproductive health?

With the focus on women’s health in recent years and the welcome progression of the menopause becoming a mainstream topic of conversation, it’s easy to forget about the challenge’s men face with their hormonal health. I have a keen interest in supporting men with their hormonal journeys and want to provide a safe space for them to talk about the issues they are facing. 

What is one reproductive health myth that you’d like to bust?

That for whatever reasons whether it be cultural or generational, that talking about reproductive or hormonal health is something we should be ashamed of. 

Aside from the Parla app, where can our community find you?


Instagram: @littlemissnutritionist

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